Training and Courses

Protect Your People and Your Brand

On Demand Classes

(Coming Soon!)
Active Shooter Training

Upcoming Training and Conferences Appearences

GET...LIVE Comprehensive De-escalation
Conference Appearance
Gulf Coast Symposium

August 7-8

Houston, TX

Women's Intruder Defense
Conference Appearance
MO Bankers Association

August 15-16

Lake Ozark, MO

Troublesome Terminations: Controlling the Confrontation
Webinar Appearance

August 21

Online – $29 Registration

Reimagine Workplace Safety-Strategies To Effectively Solve Conflict
Conference Appearance
Tennessee SHRM State Conference

August 25-28

Memphis, TN

Active Shooter - The New Standard
Conference Appearance
KY SHRM Conference

August 28

Louisville, KY

Three Ways to Enhance Security Through Performance Documentation
Webinar Appearance

October 10


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