Behavioral Threat Assessment and Management


situations of potential violence by recognizing warning signs you can identify before violence occurs


and de-escalate potential violence through proven behavioral threat management strategies and tactics


the people you care about by keeping them safe and ensuring they feel safe. Protect against liabilities and protect your organization’s brand

There are ALWAYS warning signs before violence occurs!  Always!  Are you and your team trained to recognize the warning signs?  Would your team make the situation worse by either ignoring the warning signs or over-reacting?  SafeHaven Security Group experts assess your facilities to identify vulnerabilities and work with you to tailor training that fits your company culture.  YOU can be the HERO who schedules a threat assessment with our experts and protects your people and your brand.

SafeHaven Security Group provides immediate access to behavioral threat assessment & management experts who understand the pre-incident warning signs of violence and effectively assess and de-escalate potential violence. Receive risk ratings and guidance on threatening or inappropriate communications from employees and customers. Our court certified threat experts are ready to testify FOR you… not AGAINST you.